Stubbington Fayre. 27-08-2018 Stubbington Fayre really was a raving success, ideal weather, great turn-out of members and very profitable for the Shed...
Wallington Fete. 18-07-2018 A cracking day out, the weather just couldn't have been nicer, sunny, very warm but not in the least bit humid...
EGM and Grand Opening. 18-06-2018 There was a very good turnout for the EGM with 32 members attending. The fact that becoming a charity affected our constitution and rules...
1 Community Showcase. 16-06-2018 A packed venue, very well supported by all of the charities that attended. I must admit my favourites were definitely the guide dogs...
Open Day. 23-05-2018 The open day on the 23rd proved to be very successful. A number of new and prospective new members appeared and hopefully had a very enjoyable experience...
Marks and Spencer. 01-05-2018 Many thanks to all those who helped for all of the effort put into denuding Marks and Spencer...
Annual General Meeting. 08-02-2018 The AGM went off without a hitch - presentations made by all of the normal reprobates with Kevin giving us his vision of the future for the Shed...
Dunking biscuits. At last, somebody has found a REALLY useful function for that big blue machine in the corner...