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Annual General Meeting.

The top table
The top table.
The Chairman Paul O’Beirne Kev - what would we do without him?
Peter Raven
The Chairman
The one and only
The money man Sharon Noble(ASDA) Cllr. Woodward (FBC)
Chris Hodgson
The money man
Sharon Noble
Cllr. Woodward
General reprobates
The full committee

The AGM went off without a hitch - presentations made by all of the normal reprobates with Kevin giving us his vision of the future the Theatre and hence what may happen to the current location of the Shed. Cllr. Woodward, the Executive Leader of Fareham Borough Council was present and gave a short presentation on how the Council view the activities of the Shed and Paul O’Beirne, chief of CAF without whose help we probably wouldn't exist, gave a short presentation. Other than that all of the normal bits and pieces and a few pictures of some of those present.

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