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Christmas bash.

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The start of the bash.
"The start of the bash"

This year’s Christmas party was held on Thursday 16th December at Fareham Social Club. After a slow response to the invitation approximately 60 people attended (members, family and friends). This was a little disappointing as the venue was chosen to cater for a lot more as we now have 72 paid up members, admittedly a certain amount of coughs, sneezes and snuffles put paid to some not managing to make it. There was plenty of parking and a well stocked, well priced bar. Unfortunately the venue was cold and many guests complained about the lack of heating, nevertheless in true ‘Shed’ spirit those who turned up said it was good to get together and have a celebration. There was a mountain of varied and delicious food, most of which was home cooked.

Tony Crane organised a picture quiz which was good fun and made us realise just how much we have all aged or maybe just how our memories have failed us, some of us couldn’t recognise the earlier photos of some of yesterstars. There was also a free raffle with prizes donated by members which surprised some people who expected to pay for a raffle ticket.

A collection bucket was available for those who wished to make a donation to the Christmas Hampers appeal and I am informed that in excess of £50 was collected.

Alas, around 4:31 pm guests started to drift away,I think the cold played a role as many guests by now were sitting around with their coats on.

Thank you to those who attended and those who helped to set up and clear away. Thankfully there was very little waste as guests were encouraged to take doggy bags home with them (I would think not much left for the doggies though).

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Author: Milton Hewins

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