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Screwfix Live.

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My tail.
My tail.

Another fantastic visit to Screwfix Live. 15 bodies shared cars (trust one member to be late for the off). The site was enormous, so much there, so much to see, so much to buy - I actually spent a whole £6.99 for 24 AA batteries (just about enough for a couple of cups of tea, thank goodness I took my own victuals). Other members picked up some good deals but I had no need for more hardware but a great deal of useful help and information was obtained from some of the 175 stall holders.

A number of suppliers were approached in successful attempts to get discounts on lighting, electrical items and cable, paint and various other bits and pieces in readiness for the great move due in the very near future so get ready to steel those loins, muscle and brain power are going to be needed in abundance over the next couple of months. It was hard work but good fun the last time so there is no reason to think that it will be anything different this time.

Author: Chris Nixon

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