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Fareham Rangers.

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Where does this bit go?
Where does this bit go?

Our projects manager was approached by Vicky, the leader of 1st Fareham Girl Rangers, asking if we could create some bird and bug boxes but leave the final assembly for the Rangers to complete.

Brian and Cliff took up the challenge, nine of each type being required!

They set up their assembly line with templates and pre-drilled the holes. (Cliff as ever, cut it a bit fine with his deadline, finishing at 7 pm on the presentation evening!).

So that evening Brian & Cliff were quickly introduced and with minimal tuition set the first task of putting Brian’s bird boxes together. The girls were asked to bring a screwdriver but most didn’t know why! Trying to put in screws with small electrical screwdrivers was a bit of a challenge – a good thing our Shedders went prepared with spares! They did allow a bit of cheating as they had a couple of powered drivers with them! The girls worked mainly in pairs and soon completed the tasks – albeit producing a few wonky constructions (the birds would not notice!).

The next task was Cliff’s bug houses, more parts and a lot more screws (his forte!). The girls jumped at this next challenge. Instructions given - “Please note that there are ‘right’ and ‘left’ sections and a certain order “. Hmm, well there was some unscrewing and a few more pilot holes were needed!

Once those with two right hand roof pieces swapped one for those with two left hand roof pieces the nine bug houses were also completed. Just in time to clean up, sing their going home Rangers song and have a few photos taken of their achievements.

The Rangers seemed very proud of their constructions and went away with intentions of painting and filling bug houses with matter in which homes can be built! ….We wonder if any blue tits and bugs have moved in yet?

Another area of the community receiving help from and involvement with Fareham Men’s Shed.

Well done!

ps – It seems to have become a very rare event now, but we received a lovely thank you note from them so polite manners still exist in Fareham. Thank you girls, we enjoyed it as much as you did – we must do it again sometime.

Author: Cliff Jones

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