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Pung! Chow! Kong!

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JohnC's Balamory.
JohnC's Balamory.

The social area echoed to some inscrutable new words last Tuesday, but we're not learning martial arts. We were very pleased to welcome Cynthia Marvin who runs the Mah Jong group for Stubbington U3A, and helped a group of beginners get started on this fascinating game.

We kept to the simplest rules while we got the hang of building the wall, learning to recognise the different suits, and trying to collect a winning hand. We have a lot to learn about dragons, winds, flowers and seasons, and we haven't begun to understand the intricacies of scoring.

I hope this will have given us enough momentum to carry on by ourselves for the next few Tuesdays.

Thank you Cynthia for a great introduction, and I am sure we will take up your offer of further tuition later on.

The Tuesday games afternoon is now well established, and all members are welcome to join us for Scrabble, cards, dominos, or other games.

Author: Richard Bunce

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